I used a pocket chart to show what the 7 standard centers would be. The middle picture shows what color goes to that center and he last column has a picture of where in the Library they will go. Each week I move the colors down one row and move the last color to the top. The student have shelf sticks in the library and on the shelf stick is a color dot. Each week they go to a different center during check out town.
I had to set up areas in the library for the centers.
1 The first center is a listening center using Qr codes. Each tub has an ipad, headphones, and a ring of Qr code listening centers.
2. The second is the reading center. He students get to look at theme based books.
Some ideas I have used: pointers, magnifying glasses, whisper phones, sunglasses, 3d glasses, and buddy reading with a stuffed animals.

3. Another center is the pocket chart. This center rotates out but students can put words in ABC order, try to match a nursery rhyme, creat a poem or even create their own sentences.
4. The ABC center rotates with the pocket chart center. In this center students use magnetic letters to create words. I usually start the year with this center and have students try to make their first and last name with letters.
5. The writing center always has different kinds of paper student can use. My rule is one piece per time in center. I usual have a directed activity like make a book mark, create a list about school, write a letter, make a card or other writing related activities.

6. The building center is by far the favorite center. I use big blocks, legos, zoobs, k’nex, magformers and pattern blocks in this center. I only put one type of building material at a time.

7. I have a center with 4 iPads set up for students to practice literacy skills.

8. The computer center has 4 computers for students to listen to stories. They use storyonline, tumblebooks, epic and starfall.

7. I have a center with 4 iPads set up for students to practice literacy skills.
8. The computer center has 4 computers for students to listen to stories. They use storyonline, tumblebooks, epic and starfall.